Pennsylvania is home to some incredible trails, parks, waters, and cities — and greenery, too! According to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, we have about […]
Summer may be winding down, but the heat is still on. Stopping to smell the roses is all fun and games until you’re sweating buckets, parched, […]
The wind blowing through the trees. The birds singing their songs. The cicadas chirping noisily (though maybe not this year). It’s hard to deny the natural […]
On Friday July 19, 2024, Parks and Recreation staff gathered across PA to celebrate Park and Recreation Professionals Day. A day to honor those who make […]
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- A new app is helping families of children with disabilities find a local park that meets their child's needs as July marks a major milestone in the U.S.
Parents of children with disabilities now have a new tool to help find accessible play areas.
EYEWITNESS NEWS (WBRE/WYOU) — A new app from the Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society can help families of children with disabilities find a local park that meets their kid’s needs.
Parents Can Now Find Accessible Playgrounds on The Pennsylvania Recreation & Park Society’s Park Finder App
Dave Burger, Doylestown Borough’s parks and facilities foreman and assistant director of public works, received the Good Job Award from the Pennsylvania Recreation & Park Society for his decades of work improving the community.